
Showing posts from November, 2023

[Halloween Gaming:] Warhammer 40K Darktide and BattleSector

  [This was supposed to be posted for the week of Halloween, but my writing muse can be a stubborn thing! Sorry! Stay tuned for my entry on what games I am playing for Thanksgiving. It should be published in time for New Year's Eve!] One of the most underserved subgenres of science fiction is sci-fi horror.  Despite such iconic shows as The Twilight Zone  and The Outer Limits, and such popular movies as Alien and Event Horizon, sci-fi horror is the rarest of gems.  I suspect this is because in a genre that has, of late, been dominated by the so-called "hard science fiction" crowd that is so busy making sure that every test tube is polished that they leave no room for the metaphysical.  As horror classics such as The Exorcist  demonstrate, horror without metaphysics is just...the day's news.